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Medium Sitting 

Offering Hope and Healing Through Mediumship
A medium is a person who is able to raise, and sustain, their vibrational level enough to enable non-physical entity to communicate, either through the physical senses or by way of thoughts and impressions, conveyed by the entity. 
From the most fundamental perspective, this non-physical information is spiritual energy that is emanated by entities residing beyond the veil.   Mediumship is the act, and process, of conveying this energy into the physical realm.
Sit with Stephanie as she delivers messages from your Loved Ones in Spirit in a clear and heartfelt way, with focus on the healing aspect of re-establishing relationships that have been broken by death. 

Stephanie Harris is a practiced Medium who has trained extensively with James Van Praagh, who has Certified her as a Spirit Medium through his School of Mystical Arts.  Stephanie has also trained with Hollister Rand and Tony Stockwell (all three world renowned Mediums) She currently offers her services at the Mystic Journey Bookstore in Venice California and through private appointments

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CONTACT: 310-951-6383




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