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Offering Hope and Healing through

The Akashic Records

Understand your Soul’s journey so you can make choices

that serve your Highest Good!

The Akashic Records are the Light Body of universal self-awareness.  They are a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul and its journey

Every time we access the Records, our awareness is affected by this quality of light, and we become “en-Lightened by it.  When this happens, the effects of the Light become evident in our thought and emotions, and we begin to experience an increased sense of peace and well-being.

How Do Akashic Records Heal

Unlike other forms of “energetic healing”, the Akashic Records Practitioner does not send, direct, remove or manipulate the client’s energy during a consultation.  Instead, they open a clients Records and asks the Light of the Akasha to reveal the soul’s true essence, so the client can experience him or herself from the altitude of consciousness that the Records provide.  During the consultation the light intensifies and accelerates as information is transmitted to the client through the practitioner’s spoken word.  This causes a shift, an expansion, an opening up, which enables healing to occur at whatever levels are necessary - mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, energetic, soul, or any combination thereof.

Why have an Akashic Records consultation?

Working in the Akashic Records facilitates the manifestation of harmonious relationships and financial abundance, as well as physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Accessing the Akashic Records is extremely valuable because this supports manifesting your own Life Purpose.  One gains a “Spiritual perspective” from the Records, which shows us what’s “right” about ourselves rather than what is wrong about us.

Three Basic Akashic Records Consultations: 

  1. Energy Healing In The Akashic Records: Facilitates finding peace and solution with a chronic current life challenge.

  2. Healing Ancestral Patterns In The Akashic Records: allows the releasing of inherited patterns of consciousness that are detrimental to the current life journey.

  3. Healing Past Lives In The Akashic Records: Supports releasing patterns of consciousness that developed over previous lifetimes and no longer serve the individual in this life.

Come and experience visiting your own Akashic Records and feel how the “Light of the Akasha” can affect your thoughts and emotions allowing you to experience an increased sense of peace and well-being. Learn how the Akashic Records can help you find peace and solutions for chronic, current life challenges, facilitate the releasing of inherited dysfunctional patterns that are detrimental to this current life journey and support the release of sabotaging patterns that developed over previous lifetimes and no longer serve you in this life.


Statement of Understanding

By making an appointment, you agree to the following:

I understand that the consultation is solely for my personal growth, education and recreation, and is not a therapeutic activity, such as psychotherapy or counseling, and is not intended as such.

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CONTACT: 310-951-6383




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