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Stephanie is a professional Akashic Records Practitioner and a Certified Spirit Medium by James Van Praagh School of Mystical Arts.  

As a Spiritual Wellness Counselor she specializes in accessing the heart of the Akashic Records for clients.

Stephanie facilitates healing through Past Life Completions. 

As a Medium she re-establishes relationships that have been broken through the death of Loved Ones 

Stephanie is also proficient in the use of Tarot.




Clients say sessions with Stephanie are amazingly insightful and meaningful while also being light, fun and empowering.  Stephanie believes it is each person’s inherent right in life to be happy, joyous and free.


Accessing information on an energetic level, sessions with Stephanie facilitate a shift, and the release of energetic blocks, resulting in peace and solution with chronic, current life challenges.  Sessions with Stephanie also allow the releasing of inherited dysfunctional/detrimental/sabotaging patterns of consciousness that developed over previous lifetimes and no longer serve the individual in this life time. 

Host A
Spirit Circle

CONTACT: 310-951-6383




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